Top 3 pond baits

 #3 bladed jig

A bladed jig is very good when fish are being aggressive and feeding but I don't think it will be consistently good all year around. In the middle of summer fish are looking for a easy snack and don't want to do much work and that's not what you get with this bait.

#2 a popper

I do not agree with this selection at all. A popper is a fun way to catch fish and a very effective way to do it but only for a limited amount of time. A topwater bite does not happen that often and you have to get lucky to time it right. This is just not good based on the limited time you have.

#1 A wacky rig

This would be my number 1 pond bait as well. A senko is effective all year around and you can catch anything from small fish to big ones. It is all around the easiest way to catch bass in a pond.
