10 biggest bass ever caught

 Number 10

Terry McAbee 16lbs 9oz Lake Isabella, California. Terry caught this fish on a basic rubber worm. Proving rubber worms can catch some big fish

Number 9

Larry Kurosaki 16lbs 12oz Castaic Lagoon, California. Another big fish from California and wont be the last. Larry caught this big bass in a unusual way. He was a fly fisherman who stumbled across this giant bass on his fly lure

Number 8

Cody Pierce 17lbs Murray reservoir, California. Cody went fishing early in the morning before he had to go to school for the day. On one of his last casts he hooked into this big one which was a record breaking fish.

Number 7

Robert Crupi 17lbs 1oz Castaic Lake, California. Another big bass from California. At this point it seems there may only be fish in California. Robert caught this fish on a herring jig.

Number 6

Dan Kadota 19lbs Castic Lake, California. Dan was fishing lake Castic in the winter on a cold day. He threw on a live crawfish and hooked this big one.

Number 5

Arden Charles Hanline 19lbs 2oz Morena Lake, California. Another big fish in California caught in the winter.

Number 4

Robert Crupi 21lbs Castic Lake, California. Robert made the list again with this big fish from the same lake as before.

Number 3

Raymond Easly 21lbs 3oz Oak View, California. Raymond had this fish certified and it was the first bass certified over 20lbs

Number 2

Robert Cupri 22lbs Castaic Lake, California. Robert has now had 3 fish on this lake which is very impressive. But he still came up a few ounces short of the record.

Number 1

George Perry 22lbs 4oz Montgomery Lake, Georgia. This is the current world record bass and it will be hard to beat. This is the only fish on the list not caught in California yet it still ends up being the biggest of all time.


  1. I like how big that last bass is I think all bass should be that big

  2. Its crazy how almost all those fish were caught in California.


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